Viviane " I've no idea what your talking about."
The Rebel ( A) what's new, you have had that problem with me, since our first communication.
Have a nice evening Viviane.
The Rebel.
i am inclined to start this thread in response to some comments made in other threads.
i have been coming around these forum for quite some time now so whatever you find in here is not just related to something someone may have said this week.
it can go months back as well.. i have seen many who claim to respect the belief of others but when it comes down to applying it into practice, things take a whole different tune.
Viviane " I've no idea what your talking about."
The Rebel ( A) what's new, you have had that problem with me, since our first communication.
Have a nice evening Viviane.
The Rebel.
i am inclined to start this thread in response to some comments made in other threads.
i have been coming around these forum for quite some time now so whatever you find in here is not just related to something someone may have said this week.
it can go months back as well.. i have seen many who claim to respect the belief of others but when it comes down to applying it into practice, things take a whole different tune.
Viviane: you quote me as saying " each persons reality is in my opinion to be respected"
The Rebel ( A) It's easy to part quote a sentence or paragraph and take it out of context. I learnt that from the watchtower publications. But unlike when the watchtower quote out of context what I actually wrote is easily accessible to be read in its full context by any poster.
As this O.P is " On the respect of the beliefs of others..." Rather than go off topic, I will take some Dr Phill advice and not engage in any further perdantic details.
The Rebel.
i am inclined to start this thread in response to some comments made in other threads.
i have been coming around these forum for quite some time now so whatever you find in here is not just related to something someone may have said this week.
it can go months back as well.. i have seen many who claim to respect the belief of others but when it comes down to applying it into practice, things take a whole different tune.
Viviane. Do you support the " reality" of NAMBLA.
The Rebel ( A) No.
Viviane. Antivaxxers and the religious who choose to let their children die rather than claiming and get reality care are claiming is real.
The Rebel ( A) No.
But what I actually wrote was a question. My question was:- Does a deliberate marketing of your thoughts make them a reality? And to help clarify that question I gave this illustration.
The fact is you chose that " icon" and your " username" to market your thoughts, so unless my observations are incorrect you are marketing your thoughts, and that makes your thoughts as Einstein would say " Reality is an illusion, albeit a very persistent one" a very interesting illusion. And each persons reality in my opinion is to be respected, not the power of the organisation, the media or the individual to confuse and corrupt other people to brilliant and sincere thoughts that may be wrong
So to clarify when I said " each persons reality in my opinion is to be respected" I was was referring to how an individual's opinion shouldn't be influenced by an organisation, the media or any individual friend to be confused and corrupted by other people.
So to reiterate:-
A . No I do not support NAMBLA
B. Nor do i support any religiouse, individual or organisation that would allow a child to die due to correct medical care.
But then again it's easy to part quote a paragraph or sentence and take it out of context. I learnt that from watchtower publications.
The Rebel.
i am inclined to start this thread in response to some comments made in other threads.
i have been coming around these forum for quite some time now so whatever you find in here is not just related to something someone may have said this week.
it can go months back as well.. i have seen many who claim to respect the belief of others but when it comes down to applying it into practice, things take a whole different tune.
Oubliettte " It's a common marketing maxim that " perception is reality"
The Rebel ( A) am I missing something here? Is not your " icon" a form of marketing? Is not your choosing the name " Oubliette" a form of marketing yourself? Does that deliberate marketing perception of your thoughts make them reality?
The fact is you chose that " icon" and your " username" to market your thoughts, so unless my observations are incorrect you are marketing your thoughts, and that makes your words as Einstein would say " Reality is an illusion, albeit a very persistent one" a very interesting illusion. And each persons reality in my opinion is to be respected ,not the power of the organisation, the media or the individual to confuse and corrupt other people to brilliant and sincere thoughts that may be wrong.
The Rebel.
when i left the watchtower i realised it was best to put friendships on hold.
however i mentioned to my best friend that i didn't agree with how they handled child abuse issues and that was one of the reasons i left.. anyway as i am fortunate and own two rental apartments and he is a plumber so we have kept in contact, in that i email him when i require his services and he sends me the invoice.
anyway i am now dissociated, but yesterday i emailed him about a pluming problem, and he replied.. " sorry we missed going to the indian ( this was a comment made about us having a meal together about 9 months ago, which i backed out of because i felt he was too indoctrinated and i had not disassociated myself) anyway his email continued:-.
Cognac:- " you aren't going to dinner with him? I think you should...."
The Rebel ( A) yes it does seem so ridiculously childish, but things change when you disassociate yourself. I am not saying I am less mature, what I am saying to my understanding i would be placing my friend in an unnecessary situation that could become counter productive to his awakening. So I think I shouldn't.
Whatever, when I came to this site I was insecure in my leaving, now my cheeks are less red and I feel free of my indoctrination. If I can help a friend escape to I am there for him...
Anyway unfortunately ( or should I write fortunately) having a life of my own my last post today, But thanks for all the advice. I am not sure I would not be so balanced in my thinking without the posters that come and go here. And to have shared those experiences I really appreciate. Which is why I therefore have shared mine. So conflicts and all from each poster I therefore think it wonderful.
The Rebel.
the more i think about it, the more i feel an extreme dislike for the apostle paul.
he was on par with hitler in his treatment of the jews before he "saw the light".
he replaced jesus teachings of love and mercy with a more legalistic, pharisaical concept of devotion to god.. any evil person can come to believe in god and worship him if the scales were literally and miraculously removed from his eyes.
Like Morpehus i kind of have a problem with the Old Testament Jehover.
The Rebel.
when i left the watchtower i realised it was best to put friendships on hold.
however i mentioned to my best friend that i didn't agree with how they handled child abuse issues and that was one of the reasons i left.. anyway as i am fortunate and own two rental apartments and he is a plumber so we have kept in contact, in that i email him when i require his services and he sends me the invoice.
anyway i am now dissociated, but yesterday i emailed him about a pluming problem, and he replied.. " sorry we missed going to the indian ( this was a comment made about us having a meal together about 9 months ago, which i backed out of because i felt he was too indoctrinated and i had not disassociated myself) anyway his email continued:-.
Gayle thank you for the reply. To clarify my friend has no contact with this board he emailed me privately on a business matter. ( yes plumbing matters are business matters)
Most importantly I appreciate all the advice.
Even more importantly if someone had asked me who from my former indoctrinated friends i would consider least likely to defect, I would answer him. ( I use the term "him" because it's best not to give even a first name, as the sight may be monitored)
So going back to the contents of my O.P I hope my policy of being patient and allowing friends to awaken in their own time is on the verge of my first success.
I really hope so.
The Rebel.
the trnity to me means the true nature of god essence,attributes each person of the trinity is equal the father the son and the holly spirit all share the devine nature ie three persons of the godhead are all equal in power ,glory and wisdom john 10:30.jesus and his father god are one meaning of the same nature mathew 28.19 jesus said all to be baptised in the name of the father and of the son and the holly ghost reprissenting 3 persons of the godhead to wellcome the devine trinity into your soul .
Well as an athiest I won't dismiss something because I don't like the conclusion. Cofty raised a fair point in his trinity challenge and I have tried to answer it.
Trinity equals infinity.
1+1+1 = 3
100 + 100 + 100 = 300
But the infinite when symbolized by:-
1oo + 1oo+ 1oo = 3
Therefore trinity = infinity.
The Rebel.
when i left the watchtower i realised it was best to put friendships on hold.
however i mentioned to my best friend that i didn't agree with how they handled child abuse issues and that was one of the reasons i left.. anyway as i am fortunate and own two rental apartments and he is a plumber so we have kept in contact, in that i email him when i require his services and he sends me the invoice.
anyway i am now dissociated, but yesterday i emailed him about a pluming problem, and he replied.. " sorry we missed going to the indian ( this was a comment made about us having a meal together about 9 months ago, which i backed out of because i felt he was too indoctrinated and i had not disassociated myself) anyway his email continued:-.
I think friendship should be unconditional. Since my disassociation I have never held animosity to being shunned. Friendship to me is unconditional. But I really had difficulty stopping the tears rolling down my eyes with this email.
Here I am presented with what maybe is an opportunity to help a friend whose awakening. This I hope is just not a wonderful thought, and I was so encouraged by that email it really made " my heart rejoice". So I won't blow this opportunity and have decided to just pay the plumbing bill. That's the one thing I learnt as a door knocker don't rush things.
The Rebel.
when i left the watchtower i realised it was best to put friendships on hold.
however i mentioned to my best friend that i didn't agree with how they handled child abuse issues and that was one of the reasons i left.. anyway as i am fortunate and own two rental apartments and he is a plumber so we have kept in contact, in that i email him when i require his services and he sends me the invoice.
anyway i am now dissociated, but yesterday i emailed him about a pluming problem, and he replied.. " sorry we missed going to the indian ( this was a comment made about us having a meal together about 9 months ago, which i backed out of because i felt he was too indoctrinated and i had not disassociated myself) anyway his email continued:-.
Freedo "don't go for the meal locally as if he gets seen with you" Excellent point. I would also hate to think that he could make the mistake and mention it to wife.
Anyway I know he is not keeping me sweet for the work I give him. The odd job work I give him he does in the evening as a favour.
The Rebel.